On 22/08/2013 20:02, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:
> On 08/22/2013 08:42 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> You don't have two versions of nvidia-settings.
>> You have one version of nvidia-drivers and one version of
>> nvidia-settings, and they don't have the same version number.
>> This is normal, nvidia-settings often runs behind nvidia-drivers. They
>> do not seem to get updated at the same time (unless driver changes
>> require it be done of course)
> Thanks for your prompt response.
> There seem to be ebuilds available for both versions of the
> nvidia-settings in the portage repository:
> box0=; ls `pwd`/*|egrep '304.60|319.32'
> /usr/portage/media-video/nvidia-settings/nvidia-settings-304.60.ebuild
> /usr/portage/media-video/nvidia-settings/nvidia-settings-319.32.ebuild
> I've also  noticed that in the xfce 'Applicatoins Menu' -> 'Settings', I
> have two entries for nvidia-settings.
> Is there a reason why the xfce-sensors plug-in pulls in
> nvidia-settings-304.60, instead of nvidia-settings-319.32?

xfce4-sensors-plugin is not what's doing it. It only requires
nvidia-settings and doesn't care what version. So that's not it.

There's really only one explanation - something else is pulling in
nvidia-settings and xfce4-sensors-plugin is leaving it as-is.

Please post the results of

equery depends nvidia-settings
grep -r nvidia-settings /etc/portage

Alan McKinnon

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