On 22/08/13 22:22, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:
What course of action would you recommend taking with regard to my
original post?

I'm not sure if I understand your problem but...

Looks like nvidia-drivers-319.32 was stabilized without stabilizing nvidia-settings-319.32 together with it. You can file a bug at http://bugs.gentoo.org/ and request stabilization of nvidia-settings-319.32 to match the current stable nvidia-drivers.

You can also temporarily add entry to /etc/portage/package.keywords like

Anyway I wouldn't worry about it too much, they have been going in different cycles for years and I don't ever remembering anyone reporting an actual bug about it (other than what I just suggested, people get confused by non-matching version numbers, ask questions, and end up filing stabilization request ;-)

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