On Tue, 01 Oct 2013 09:52:47 -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:

> On 2013-10-01 8:46 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I know that it is probably trivial, but I like to read official docs
> >> for things like this...
> > It is trivial. All that it is, is a path to where some stuff is.
> > That's all, nothing more.
> Ok, thanks... but (call me anal, because I am) I still think this 
> deserves at least a tiny mention in the formal documentation somewhere, 
> even if its just on a a wiki page or whatever.
> Also, obviously the man docs for portage and make.conf should be
> updated...

man make.conf

PORTDIR = [path]
 Defines the location of the Portage tree. This is the repository for all
 profile information as well as all ebuilds. If you change this, you must
 update your /etc/portage/make.profile symlink accordingly.

That's it. he portage tree is just a directory full of files, all you
need to tell portage is where to find it.

mv /usr/portage /var/
Change PORTDIR in make.conf
eselect profile list and set

> > You can have these directories any place you want and nothing breaks
> > by moving them around. The only change is the shipped default. So
> > there are loads of this you could worry about in IT, this ain't one
> > of 'em
> Heh... ok, thanks, but you see, I worry about *everything* (maybe that 
> is one reason I rarely get bit badly doing things like this).
What's the worst that can happen? Portage stops working until you move it
back or correct PORTDIR. That's not system-critical, you can't break your
system by moving a bunch of bash scripts that are never used unless you
explicitly tell portage to do so.

Neil Bothwick

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