On Wed, 02 Oct 2013 08:23:07 -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:

> > /var makes sense to me, it's where I put the tree (but not packages or
> > distfiles).  
> Why not these?

Because they have no place in the portage tree. The portage tree contains
thousands of small files, but remains largely the same size. On the other
hand $DISTDIR and $PKGDIR contain files that are not controlled by
portage and grow continually without manual intervention.

I keep $DISTDIR on an NFS mount for the reason I gave earlier in this
thread, to save downloading the files more than once. I have $PKGDIR on
the same mount, which is also used for overlays. I would rather have that
directory, which is only used for portage files, hit 100% when I'm not
looking that /var or /usr.

If I were running a single Gentoo machine, I'd probably put $DISTDIR in
the logical place of /var/cache (that's where other package managers
keep their downloads) and use eclean-dist to stop it overflowing, or put
a quota on the directory.

Neil Bothwick

If Satan ever loses his hair, there'll be hell toupee.

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