On 12/16/14 01:37, waben...@gmail.com wrote:
Am Sonntag, 14.12.2014 um 22:37
schrieb Joseph <syscon...@gmail.com>:

I have a USB stick with FAT32 file system, but when I insert the disk
it is not mounting on my desktop. No icon is showing up, why?

Here comes the the magic formula, IIRC ;)

Your user has to be in group plugdev.


udisks USE flag for xfce-base/thunar must be set.

Yes, it was.

The USB-device may NOT have a config line in /etc/fstab.

Correct, done.

To enable/disable automounting look at thunars menu:
edit -> settings -> advanced-settings -> volume-management (checkbox)

Yes, it is/was enabled.

When I insert USB stick formatted as FAT or ext3/4 the icon automatically 
appears on my desktop.
When I insert USB stick formatted as FAT32, nothing happens.
That is what is puzzling me.


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