On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 9:26 AM,  <cov...@ccs.covici.com> wrote:
> I wonder if the original poster is using systemd?

He already said he isn't.  He just was looking for the wrong filename.

> Also, I find journalctl very clumsy to find things about a specific
> program, such as mail logs or whatever -- unless I am missing
> something.

Well, the journal only contains stuff sent to it.  So, if apache dumps
some stuff to stdout or to /dev/log or whatever then it will be in the
journal.  If apache dumps its logs directly to a file in
/var/log/apache then the journal won't contain it.  Many files in
/var/log were not created by syslog-ng, and this would not show up in
the journal.

>  I use syslog-ng, although I get a lot of messages which say
> forwarding to syslog missed n messages from system journal, so maybe
> its a problem, but how would you use logwatch without something like
> syslog-ng?

You'd need to use a systemd-aware log watcher.


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