On Wed, 18 Mar 2015 08:54:40 +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> > I don't have / on lvm.  /boot and / are on regular partitions.
> > Everything else, /usr, /var and /home, are on lvm.  Keep in mind, I
> > was trying to avoid that init thingy.  
> I remember something of that discussion, but not why you wanted to
> keep /usr on a separate partition. Why is that? Is it one of those
> sacred cows that "just growed" like Topsy?    :)

In order to avoid an "init thingy"[tm]. If you want root on LVM you need
a thingy thingy, a separate root avoids that. I used to run a similar
configuration for the same reason, separate /root on ext4 but no
separate /boot.

Nowadays, I don't use LVM and I've grown to like dracut.

Neil Bothwick

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it
considered a hostage situation?

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