Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Aug 2015 22:08:16 +0100, Mick wrote:
>>> % cat /etc/portage/env/ccache.conf
>>> FEATURES="ccache"
>>> % cat /etc/portage/package.env/libreoffice
>>> app-office/libreoffice ccache.conf disk-tmpdir.conf
>>> And don't forget to emerge ccache ;-)
>> Hmm ... may be I should re-enable it to see if I notice the difference
>> on an old PC I have.  I took it off because failed ebuilds would
>> continue to fail - until I remembered to delete the ccache files.
> I had bad experiences with it too, that's why I use it only where there's
> a real benefit and no history of breakage. I'd never enable it gobally
> again.

Same here.  When it would fail, I'd have to clear the ccache and do it
again which cost me time not saved it.  After several problems, I
disabled the thing, uninstalled it and deleted all the ccache.  Unless a
whole lot of people say it is much better now, I have no plans to try it

I still want to buy me a 8 core CPU tho.  I also want a new drive and to
upgrade to 32GBs of ram too.  That would likely improve speed more than
ccache plus it gives me more wiggle room when editing photos with GIMP,
using LO, multiple profiles of Firefox running etc etc etc.  It starts
to slow down a bit when I get to about 14GBs or so in use.  ;-) 


:-)  :-) 

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