On Fri, 28 Aug 2015 21:09:31 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:

> > Why reinvent the wheel? abcde is a shell script that does this and
> > much more. It uses whichever ripper, encoder etc. that you want, with
> > whatever options you want.  
>   I like to putter around with bash scripts.  I've written up a 146-line
> script (83 lines of script plus 63 lines of comments)

abcde is a little larger than that.

% wc -l =abcde
4896 /usr/bin/abcde

> that handles
> things to *MY* specs for *MY* needs.  It processes .inf and .wav files
> in a directory, creating flac files in a flac subdirectory.  I haven't
> tested it under all conditions, but it tries to handle...
> * Check for a "flac" subdirectory; create one if it doesn't already
> exist
> * If "Tracktitle" field is empty, bail out.
> * If "Tracktitle" field contains a slash ("/"), assume that the artist's
>   name is to the left of the slash, and the song name is on the right
>   side of the slash.
> * If "Tracktitle" field is non-empty, but doesn't contain a "/", assume
>   that it only has the title.
>   - Get the artist name from the "Performer" field.
>   - If "Performer" field is empty, use "Albumperformer" field.
>   - If both are empty, set artist name to "Unknown".
> * The flac files are created in the "flac" subdirectory

That's pretty much what I do with abcde, except I only had to edit a
config file, leaving my script puttering time for wheels I need more.

How do you handle compilation/multi-artist CDs?

Neil Bothwick

Hello.. Incontinence Hotline.. Can you hold?

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