
On Mon, 10 Jul 2017, Peter Humphrey wrote:
>On Monday 10 Jul 2017 04:30:38 David Haller wrote:
>> Sorry, no such luck, my crystal ball is currently under maintainance
>> and to be put in the dishwasher afterwards.
>I sent mine back for a refund - it was dead on arrival.

And rightly so! Mine has, usually, worked quite as specified[0] in the
last 15+ years. But at times, I just got some cryptic error message
like "ENODEV" or "EAGAIN" or "ECOMM" or "EINVAL" or some such ... Or,
I think, mostly "ENOMEDIUM" ... But, as I said, mine is off to its
regular maintainance anyway.


[0] the specs though are, uhhm, aaahm, somewhat, let's say, intricate?

> I've gone through over-stressed to physical exhaustion... what's next?
Tuesday                                       -- Simon Burr & Kyle Hearn

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