On 01/07/2018 02:46 PM, taii...@gmx.com wrote:
> I have several sandy/ivybridge CPU's and I was wondering if anyone
> knows as to if intel is releasing microcode updates for them.
> It sure would be funny if intel wanted you to buy a new CPU to fix a
> problem that was their fault to begin with.
Do you remember the x87 bugs discovered in the original i586 Pentiums?
Never fixed.
Still built into every Intel CPU.
Intel does NOT replace "defective-by-design" hardware.
Instead, every OS is required to "software emulate" the FPU.

Search for "errata-not-bug".
Intel's term for their screw-ups in their CPUs.

Intel is only releasing patch code for the last five years of products.

And ... if you read up on the "e-mails" being posted ...
... It looks as if Intel is NOT going to fix this in future CPUs either.
Instead, every OS will be required to "work-around-this".

Perhaps the reason "someone" tried to implicate this effects ALL CPU
( IBM RISC 6000, PowerPC, DEC Alpha, IBM System/390, Sun SPARC64, for
example )

Intel did try to make their "patch" mandatory for AMD CPUs ( with NO
disable switch ).
Think about it.


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