On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 8:33 PM, Corbin Bird <corbinb...@charter.net> wrote:
> On 01/09/2018 01:56 AM, Mick wrote:
> At this point, the only sure bet, is a non x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64 CPU.
> Don't know enough to make a recommendation on a particular CPU arch at this
> point.

Good luck with that...

If you aren't hearing about Spectre fixes for a CPU it is most likely
because it is so obscure that nobody has bothered to check whether it
is vulnerable.

Sure, there are some CPUs that have been tested and found to be ok.
However, almost anything modern is vulnerable to spectre.  I just
wasn't something that was on anybody's radar.  New CPUs are likely to
be resistant to these types of attacks regardless of vendor.

Sure, if I was about to place an order for 1000 CPUs tomorrow I'd
probably pick AMD over Intel to avoid the PTI overhead, but that is
about as far as I'd let these vulnerabilities affect purchase
decisions.  There are lots of good reasons to go with ARM vs x86, but
this isn't really one of them.  And outside of x86/ARM I think almost
any other CPU choice is going to be a niche item.


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