On 8/18/20 6:44 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:
I will have to collect a list and get back to you.

Here are part of some crude notes that I created for myself to use to build a Gentoo mail server about three years ago. This is the email specific parts. The rest were for other non-email aspects.

Note: This just gets things installed. It doesn't do anything for how to configure things. (I was copying config files between systems.)

The square brackets at the end of the line are dependencies. (I use the word loosely.)

 - eMail
    - Sendmail (mail-mta/sendmail) [ipv6 sasl ssl]
       - emerge -a mail-mta/sendmail
       - chmod g+w /var/spool/mqueue
       - rc-update add sendmail default
       - {mc,cf} file
       - certificates
       - cp /etc/pam.d/{pop,smtp}
       - touch /etc/mail/access
       - makemap hash /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access
       - touch /etc/mail/genericstable
       - makemap hash /etc/mail/genericstable < /etc/mail/genericstable
    - Cyrus-SASL (pulled in)
       - rc-update add saslauthd default
    - Nail (mail-client/nail) []
       - emerge -a mail-client/nail
    - Procmail (mail-filter/procmail) []
       - emerge -a mail-filter/procmail
    - Mutt (mail-client/mutt) []
       - emerge -a mail-client/mutt
    - SpamAssassin (mail-filter/spamassassin) [cron ipv6 ssl]
       - emerge -a mail-filter/spamassassin
       - rc-update add spamd default
       - sa-update
    - SpamAssassin Milter (mail-filter/spamass-milter) []
       - emerge -a mail-filter/spamass-milter
       - rc-update add spamass-milter default
    - ClamAV (app-antivirus/clamav) [ipv6 milter]
       - emerge -a app-antivirus/clamav
       - rc-update add clamd default
       - /etc/conf.d/clamd
          - START_MILTER=yes
    - SPF (mail-filter/libspf2) []
       - emerge -a mail-filter/libspf2
    - SRS (mail-filter/libsrs2) []
       - emerge -a mail-filter/libsrs2
    - OpenDKIM (mail-filter/opendkim) [ssl]
- echo "mail-filter/opendkim ldap" > /etc/portage/package.use/opendkim
       - emerge -a mail-filter/opendkim
       - rc-update add XXX default
    - OpenDMARC (mail-filter/opendmarc) []
       - emerge -a mail-filter/opendmarc
       - rc-update add XXX default
    - CourierIMAP (net-mail/courier-imap) [ipv6]
       - emerge -a net-mail/courier-imap
       - /etc/courier/conf files
       - mkimapcert
       - mkdhparams
       - rc-update add courier-imapd-ssl default
       - Install valid SSL cert.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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