On 14/09/2020 08:48, Peter Humphrey wrote:
Just before this started, I booted Win-10 on /dev/sdb and ran its update
process. I don't use it for anything at the moment, just keeping it up to date
in case I ever do. I do this most weeks, but is it possible that Win-10
tampered in some way that it hasn't before? I'm seeing these errors on/dev/
sda (which does have an NTFS partition) and /dev/nvme0n1 (which does not), but
not on /dev/sdb.

I know Windows has hidden partitions and things, but it shouldn't be tampering with the partition table. What sector does sda1 start on? It should be something like 2048. I don't play with that enough to really know what's going on, but if that number is single digits then that could be the problem ...


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