I'm looking for an idea to duplicate my old gentoo system.
I'm using old programs that require older version php, ( PHP Version
5.6) the program is not compatible with newer php. 7.4 and apache 2.2

Gentoo is install on 1TB  SSD  (/dev/sda)
The new 2TB  SSD is M.2 (so it has a strange name)

1.) Is my option only:
dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY bs=64K conv=noerror,sync

If I duplicate the drive this way I'll end-up with two partitions, as
I'll have 1TB free on a new drive.  Or is there a way to resize
partition on M.2 SSD

2.) Another options, I could dig-out the old programs from "attic", but
that will not be an easy job.


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