On Sun, 6 Dec 2020 at 13:37, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> Despite the claims that systemd is
> monolithic, it is not. It is an ecosystem comprised of many parts, some
> of which can be used without any other systemd components, like
> systemd-tmpfiles and systemd-boot, not to mention udev.

Despite repeated claims that it is not, all evidence points to it
being very much a monolithic code base, with tight coupling between
most of the parts. That you can disable compilation of so many parts
that some of the parts appear as stand-alone after compilation is not
evidence against that.

> Maybe the devs need to rename the systemd-tmpfiles package to satisfy
> those that break out in a sweat at the mention of the s-word :)

Since the compilation of this package consists of downloading a
systemd release, and disabling building of almost everything but this
component, it seems to very much be named correctly as it is.


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