Dale wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
>> On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 2:12 PM Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:rdalek1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> <SNIP>
>> > Can someone tell me how to know when a drive has PWDIS and when it
>> > doesn't?  Is there some term for it that shows in the specs and I'm
>> > missing it?  Or is there no way to really know?
>> I believe PWDIS is part of the SATA 3.3 spec so first filter would be
>> don't buy a SATA 3.3 drive for an old PC.
>> I have done NO online research to take this with less than a 
>> grain of salt.
>> Mark
> Your reply gave me a clue.  I did a search for sata in the docs and
> found this for both drives I linked to in other post.
> Exos X18 SATA drives incorporate connectors which enable users to hot
> plug these drives in accordance with the
> Serial ATA Revision 3.3 specification. 
> I suspect that means it has the PWDIS pin.  You agree?  If you open
> the links to pdf docs in other reply, search for "Hot-Plug
> compatibility" and see what it says.  It was the second hit for me. 
> Why can't they label those drives with something that makes it clear. 
> Print 'SATA V3.3', 'hardware reset enabled' or something that makes it
> easy instead of sticking it in a 50 something page document.  At least
> we have the "find" feature on most pdf viewers.  Another option, throw
> a adapter in the box for those who can't have that feature. 
> Looks like both drives I'm looking at might not work for me.  My goal
> in this thread, figure out what to look for so that I avoid buying a
> drive that don't work.  I got the difference in the power cable at
> least.  Now to figure it out without being able to see the drive.
> Thoughts?
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

I thought of something else.  I looked at drives I bought in the past. 
I have a model ST16000NM000J and it works but it says it is SATA v3.3. 
So, saying it is SATA v3.3 doesn't distinguish between having or not
having the PWDIS feature.  It just means it is possible.

Crap.  I thought I was onto something.  :(


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Since I have one of those already, I'll buy that one again.  ROFL 

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