I have been trying all afternoon to make local copies of web pages from a 
netscape bookmark file. I have been wrestling with httrack (through 
khttrack), pavuk and wget, but none of them work. httrack and pavuk seem to 
claim they can do the job, but they can't, or at least not in any way an 
ordinary mortal could be expected to work out. They do things like pretending 
to download hundreds of files without actually saving them to disk, crashing 
suddenly and frequently, and popping up messages saying that I haven't 
contributed enough code to their project to expect the thing to work 
properly. I don't want to do anything hideously complicated. I just want to 
make local copies of some bookmarked pages. What tools should I be using?

I would be happy to use a windows tool in wine if it worked. I would be happy 
to reboot into Windows if I could get this job done.

One option would be to feed wget a list of urls. The trouble is I don't know 
how to turn an html bookmark file into a simple list of urls. I imagine I 
could do it in sed if I spent enough time to learn sed, but my afternoon has 
gone now and I don't have the time.

Many thanks
Robert Persson

"Don't use nuclear weapons to troubleshoot faults."
(US Air Force Instruction 91-111, 1 Oct 1997)

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