Just in case you still had some lingering possibility of using ATI, I
thought I'd respond as well :)

Firstly, once you have gone through the pain of getting the ati drivers
to work (and sure, some people fluke the right combination first go and
wonder what all the fuss is about) - things such as kernel version, X
version, ati-driver version, etc. - Any change to any of these
components can break it again.

On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 18:54 -0400, JimD wrote:
> Anyway I want to get some feedback on the current ATI driver state.  Are 
> they stable

No, they are not stable.  Again, maybe some people haven't had issues
with their systems, but for others (like me) they crash on random things
- like sometimes logging out of X.

But then, so does the xorg radeon driver...

>  and pretty easy to use/install?

yes, gentoo makes it easy :) 1. emerge ati-drivers, 2. edit xorg.conf to
use fglrx, 3. restart X.

>   Any problems with games? 
> How about commercial OpenGL games ported to Linux like Call of Duty and 
> Doom 3?

Haven't tried those games, but the OpenGL screensavers fly on my

> I probably will just go with NVidia.  NVidia's Linux support has always 
> been rock-solid for me

that's a good reason to "go with what you know"!

> However, a nice new ATI at those prices is tempting if ATI has gotten 
> their Linux act together.

They're trying.  If you look at the ATI forums, ATI occasionally puts in
their defence, but IMHO it's still too little.  For example, the amount
of time it takes them to release a driver for a new kernel is just too

>   Do the proprietary ATI Linux drivers have 
> *all* of the features that the proprietary ATI Windows drivers have? 


> One thing I like about NVidia's driver is that it is a unified driver 
> model and the drivers are basically feature for feature identical on the 
> different oses.

really? Wow, if I didn't have a laptop, I would have bought an NVidia
card by now.

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

When man calls an animal "vicious", he usually means that it will attempt
to defend itself when he tries to kill it.

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