On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 11:24:22PM +0100, Ognjen Bezanov wrote

> Note that in both drivers, you need to state you want to use  DAE
> rather then the old analog method (this is due to the fact that not
> all CD-ROM's have good DAE capabilities). Under "CD Audio Player",
> you need to set "Play mode" to "Digital audio extraction", along
> with configuring/checking your drive.
> In portage they are called:
> "media-plugins/xmms-cdaudio"  => "CD Audio Player"
> and
> "media-plugins/xmms-cdread" => "AudioCD Reader"
> emerge one of them, restart xmms, and you're set ;)

  Neither of them will spin up the CD when I tell xmms to play the
AudioCD.  cdaudio does spin the CD and properly list the tracks and
their lengths when I select "Check drive".  Any ideas?

Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> In linux /sbin/init is Job #1
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