On 6/11/06, b.n. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That sounds interesting, but I have no idea what to do about it.   I
> think once
> upon a time, when I was first installing gentoo, I opted for KDE.  I
> haven't done
> a thing about it since KDE 3.2.  Now all of a sudden I've got this conflict.
> What do I need to change?

Here you will find everything you need to know:

Things are changed since kde 3.2 ...


Hmm..  I read this.  It's *very far* from being everything I need to know.
It says portage protects me from an illegal state.  I surmise this is false, because
I cannot now do a simple emerge -aDvu world.  I need to know how to get to
a legal state, and all that page provides is background; it leaves figuring it out
up to me.  And frankly, it looks like a lot of work just to figure out.  Besides
being scary because it seems likely I'll have to emerge everything the eye
can normally see and hope that it will come up working again.

I first guess is to unmerge everything KDE, but even then, I'm not quite sure
what I should emerge in its place.  kde-meta?  And what will my system be
capable of in the meantime?  Is there some subset that will get my desktop
back in working order relatively quickly  (would "emerge konsole kalarm" do?
What's the name of the app that displays a panel/taskbar).  Dang, but this
is a lot to figure out and trust that I've got it right while I destroy my ability to
ask for help if I get it wrong.

What's the name of the gizmo that puts the clock in my panel/taskbar?  Is that
a panel or a taskbar, and will a mistake in terminology prevent my system from
ever looking like this again?  Is there some little gizmo I'm used to using that
will suddenly disappear, and how will I know what its name anyway when I can
no longer see it?

Does this communicate my premonitions of impending doom?

Would some kind soul who understands such stuff spell out the steps to get
to a useable and maintainable system.  I no longer have a maintainable one.

That web page said that if one prefers the monolithic KDE one should tell
them why.  I think I just did (I submitted a bug).

++ kevin

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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