On 6/10/07, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Can anyone tell me what Firefox is doing when it says it is
> > > "Connecting" to a particular website?  My site is periodically hanging
> > > at that point, and I'd like to track down the problem.  Is it just
> > > waiting for apache2's first response to the HTTP request?
> >
> > No, Firefox is propably waiting for the TCP connection to be
> > established. Use something like wireshark or tcpdump to find out for sure.
> I was trying to login (via ssh) to a virtual server and it was taking ages (19
> secs or so).  Apparently there was something wrong with the way the sysadmin
> had set up DNS.  Once fixed I would be asked for a passwd with 1-2 seconds.
> It could be that something like this is wrong with your server?

I'll check that out.  Thanks guys.

Try it with 'curl'
curl -v www.google.com

If it doesnt find an IP, its a DNS problem, if it finds an IP but
doesn't connect, it may be a routing problem, if it works for all
sites, but not a particular site, that site might be broken, and
'curl' might be able to help you see where.


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