> > Does anyone else get entries like this in their apache2 access_log:
> >
> > - - [26/Sep/2007:03:10:08 -0700] "GET /" 400 470
> >
> > I get a whole slew of them every day.  They always show up in batches
> > and each entry in a batch is logged at almost the same second.
> That make sense, since 400 means 'bad request' the culprit probably
> fails a preset number of times and then gives up.  Perhaps is
> the setting for something in the absence of a sane configuration - in
> other words, it might be tricky to track this one down.  You'll have to
> let us know what gurific sleuthing techniques you employ to track down
> the bad guys.

What do you mean by "bad guys"?

I made a mistake in my initial post.  The entries always
show up in ssl_access_log, not access_log.

Also, I noticed that a huge block of them always appears at the very
beginning of each day's ssl_access_log at exactly 3:10AM.

> You should perhaps use combined logging so you get more information,
> like the user agent and such.  right now you're using 'common' logging
> which has the additional disadvantage that it doesn't give you
> particularly useful information if you decide to use a statistical
> analyzer like awstats on your archive of logs from the past umpteen
> years.  The user agent might be useful for debugging purposes.

I switched ssl_access_log temporarily to the combined format, and it
was definitely working, but the error looked exactly as it
did in common format with no extra information.

> You might also consider running tcpdump for a few hours or so, or
> something, and have it watch for that port and interface and run ps or
> something if you get output from it.   Or use iptables logging for the
> job, if you'd rather do that.

Any specific commands or even just certain parameters I should look into?

- Grant
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