Hi All,

I think that I have confused myself with this.  I am behind a firewall/http 
proxy which seems to only allow outbound connections on ports 80 & 443 for 
web browsing.  This is not enough for me, as I would like to use my mail 
client to send and receive mail from behind the firewall.

I tried connecting to ssh servers which listen on different ports, besides 
tcp/22 and I was not successful.  This is probably an indication that the 
internet gateway machine only accepts connections for packets that have a 
destination to ports 80 & 443.

If the above is correct, am I right to assume that to be able to run a tunnel 
through this internet gateway I should run something like: 

ssh -L 2222:localhost:443 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

or are ssh packets somehow distinguishable by their headers, so that a 
cleverly crafted firewall will still identify them and drop them?

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