On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Joerg Schilling
> Daniel Iliev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Actually you can figure out which are the most FAQ from this thread, but
>> let me help you for the start. Please, publish detailed information
>> for the following events in chronological order:
> Please explain why you don't read the FAQ?
> All your questions are answered in the FAQ.
> If you don't read the available information, it seems that you like to
> turn this thread into a thread where you spread your FUD.

The FAQ (I assume you're talking about
http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/linux-dist.html ) only contain
basic information on your side, almost without a single reference that
shows me the actual full text of the email exchanges etc. supporting
what you say. The FAQ is not in chronological order and it is even
self-contradicting in chronological details (e.g. it starts with "In
autumn 2005 and early spring 2006, a group of Debian maintainers
started to attack the cdrtools project. The attacks have been based on
the fact that cdrtools was licensed under the GPL. " then, in the
final part of the document, you talk about the UTF story: " In fact,
this happened around y2004 [...] Now these people have been in trouble
and needed an excuse for their behavior." -from this it seems implicit
the problems started in 2004). Only explanation you give for all what
was happening is a commercial-distributions-are-evil conspiracy theory
(which maybe is true, but I am again waiting for evidence -the theory
is quite weak, since forking an essential desktop software seems *much
worse* than rewriting UTF8 support, and they could have inserted their
unofficial patch into their packages even if you refused it upstream,
if they felt their UTF8 patch was important).

Anyway, I'm sure you can fix the FAQ and provide the full disclosed
evidence, and everyone will be happier.

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