2008/7/3 Norman Hakim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I've tried to add this line /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom      auto
>   noauto,ro,user     0 0 and this is the output:
> bash: /dev/cdrom: Permission denied
> If i mount it manually it is ok,no problem at all. I have no idea how i want 
> to solve this problem.
> Regards,
> Norman


I guess that when you mounted manually, you did it as root.

Linux is very safe, and won't let you do anything if you do not have permission.

To set which user can and can not do certain things, there is
something called "groups".

Your user belongs to a group, and then it can do certain things, like,
for example, accessing your cdrom, playing audio, using usb, etc.

You can see a good explanation of this at chapter 11 of the Gentoo Handbook [1].

So, my guess is that when you created your user for daily use, you did
not include it in the "cdrom" group. Just type:

$ groups

As user to see which groups is your user in.

For example, this is my user and the groups it belongs to:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ groups
wheel floppy audio cdrom video games usb portage plugdev ric

If you want to add your user to a new group, for example cdrom, do the

1 - Check which groups you already belong with:
$ groups

(NOTE: you can skip this step, but it is useful to know which groups
are you already in.)

2- Log in as root.

3- Add your user to a new group with:

# usermod -a -G [goups] [user]

For this example, supposing your user is "norman" and you want to add
it to the cdrom group then:

# usermod -a -G cdrom norman

And that should be all.



[1] http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=11
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