On Wednesday 10 December 2008 22:56:30 Harry Putnam wrote:
> Summary:
> How can I tie a module name (tg3) to a kernel config line?
> Details:
> Usually its kind of obvious if you dig around in .config a bit, but
> now always.
> I find the module at /lib/modules/2.6.24*/:
> ../kernel/drivers/net/tg3.ko
> But I haven't been able to nail that to a kernel config line.

Short answer: TIGON3

Long answer:

You need to study voodoo and sacrifice a virgin at full moon to be able to 
find that out reliably. I can't, so I use google, which sometimes works :-)  
I'm also sure someone somewhere must have made a cross-reference list, but I 
haven't found it despite much search. Yes, this is what I would calle a major 
shortcoming in the kernel code. 

There's also the search function in menuconfig invoked with "/", which in this 
case doesn't help at all as tg3 doesn't show up.

But help is at hand! 
The .config option you are looking for is CONFIG_TIGON3
My last notebook had one of those and I searched for ages before spotting one 
day that "t", "g" and "3" all appeared in "TIGON3".

Sorry that I couldn't help with the more general question, at least you got an 
answer for the more specific case.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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