On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Paul Hartman
<paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What keywords are required to get Amarok 2 to build? I'm not clear
>> what ~* means.

So from the man page it says that ~* means:

"This  version is "masked by missing keyword", stable on no
architecture, but unstable
              on an alien architecture."

Is there a way for me to build this for an amd64 machine? I tried
portage.keywords with:

media-sound/amarok ~amd64 *~

Do I need something in portage.unmask?

> Slingbox is for streaming your TV to and remotely controlling it from
> a PC or Cell Phone. (I've got one -- doesn't work on Linux, though.
> booo)
> My dad has one of those portable internet radios, I don't know the
> name but it works well and he seems to be pleased with it. (As long as
> you're in wifi range)

So is it the same company? I remember it being the same guys. I'm
thinking maybe they dropped the product. No matter. Mostly just
confusion on my part.


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