On 27 Oct 2009, at 23:32, Marcus Wanner wrote:
To sum it up: How do I figure out what the name of my card is, and after that, what driver do I need?

Boot once again with the LiveCD, and the lspci and lshw commands should work from there.

You can also run `lsmod` which will show which driver modules are currently running in the LiveCD environment - the appropriate one is likely to be amongst them.

From the LiveCD you can run these commands and redirect to a text file on a USB drive - i.e. `lspci -v > /mnt/foo/file.txt`.

Also from the LiveCD, you can chroot back into the system you've started building, and have network access. Follow the steps of the handbook just as you did before - the disk is already partitioned, so you can skip that bit; skip to mounting the disks at /mnt/gentoo, /mnt/ gentoo/boot &c, then do the mount where you bind /proc and execute the chroot command just like you did before. Then you can `emerge sys-apps/ pciutils` to install lspci on the hard-drive of the new system and you can add any other utilities you need (some of which might not be included on the liveCD).

I find this easier, because once the liveCD has loaded you can set the liveCD's root password, start ssh and you no longer need to do your back in crouching over the new PC which is invariably, during the duration of the build, located somewhere inconvenient, such as the floor or the top of the sever closet. You can then return to your comfy chair and continue your work over the network.


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