On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 01:56:39PM -0800, Penguin Lover Grant squawked:
> Is there a quick way to install a bootloader manually, so I can see if
> that works?  I tried to adapt this but couldn't come up with a
> procedure I though would be correct:

Don't know about the distro you were trying to install, but when I
need a bootable USB disk with utils, I usually go with System Rescue


Maybe you forgot to mark the filesystem bootable?


The particle physicists use order parameter fields, too. Their order parameter 
fields also hide lots of details about what their quarks and gluons are 
composed of. The main difference is that they don't know of what their fields 
are composed. It ought to be reassuring to them that we don't always find our 
greater knowledge very helpful.
   ~James P. Sethna "Order Parameters, Broken Symmetry, and Topology"
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