On 2010-02-23, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:

> With the downside being that the process is slower, as you
> have to download each message or thread as you want to read
> it. Contrast this with having email delivered whether you are
> reading it or not and being filtered at the moment of arrival
> so it is instantly available, sorted into folders, when you
> start up your client.

I get the impression you always read the mailing lists on a
single machine?  I read Gmane's "lists" from 4-5 different
machines and locations. Duplicating all that mail locally on
all those machines would be a pain.

> However, this convenience uses more bandwidth, so if that is
> worth more to you than your time, using Usenet for selective
> reading does make sense.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Hello...  IRON
                                  at               CURTAIN?  Send over a
                               visi.com            SAUSAGE PIZZA!  World War
                                                   III?  No thanks!

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