On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 06:44:27AM +0000, Graham Murray wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerar...@googlemail.com> writes:
> > no, it is not safe to have a 64bit only system. Just choose the multilib 
> > profile and start installing. If something needs the 32bit emul libs, it 
> > will 
> > pull the stuff in. There is nothing you need to care about.
> What is unsafe about a 64bit only system? Surely if it were unsafe then
> Gentoo would not offer no-multilib profiles? I have recently built 2
> systems using a no-multilib profile and have not found any problems, and
> expect to start building a third one today.

I completely misread that, I read it as "it is safe to have a 64bit only 

I ran a no-multilib profile for a couple of weeks which ran fine. This isn't a 
long period of time, I know. But I had absolutely no issues in that period. The 
only reason I switched back to a multilib profile was because a math program 
for school couldn't connect to it's core functions on a pure 64-bit 
Furthermore, I have multilib flag disabled as standard, but there are some 
things (gcc, glibc mainly) where I have set the multilib flag. And I'm not 
having any sort of problem with it.

Zeerak Waseem

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