I've had 3 females together before (a mother/daughter and a sister of the
mother) with no problems... I can't see any problems with 4 :)

But do keep an eye on them, things can turn sour pretty quickly

Tony P

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elizabeth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Four Females?!

> > i have female group cages without problems... they are all sisters that
> were
> > never seperated or mom with daughters, again, never seperated.  This
> > an issue of a line, since others have told me this wouldnt work.
> Yep I never had a problem with female groups, from as small as 2 to as
> as 6. Well actulaly I think I may have one pair that went sour but I think
> did get them back together again in the end. And a group of sisters who
> rejected one when she had escaped for over 24hrs--but you kind of tend to
> expect that. But I did have a group of boys (3) gang up and kill a brother
> =( But I know some people had no luck at ALL keeping any size group of
> females. Very odd.
> Elizabeth

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