try using xfs instead of ext4.

also, for dd, i use the following options to keep each run "true"

dd if=/dev/zero of=/glustermount/blah bs=1M count=10000 conv=fsync oflag=sync

I didn't see any sync's after the tar/rm commands...

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 4:20 AM, Chris Webb <> wrote:
> Hi. I've been considering using GlusterFS as backing storage for one of our
> applications, and wanted to get a feel for its reliability and performance on 
> a
> toy test cluster.
> I took two 16-core Opteron 6128 machines running stock linux 3.2.2 kernels
> with sata-backed ext4 filesystems to use as backing storage for a test
> glusterfs, mounted with default options:
>  # grep store /proc/mounts
>  /dev/sda2 /store ext4 rw,relatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
> The machines are connected with gigabit ethernet cross-over.
> I built the software from the glusterfs-3.2.5.tar.gz with no special configure
> options except for a few --XXXdir changes to match our filesystem layout and
> --enable-fusermount to avoid building fuse userspace specially.
> I created /etc/glusterfs and /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol:
>  # cat /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol
>  volume management
>      type mgmt/glusterd
>      option working-directory /etc/glusterd
>      option transport-type socket
>      option transport.socket.keepalive-time 10
>      option transport.socket.keepalive-interval 2
>  end-volume
>  #
> and started glusterd. I then taught the machines about each other's existence:
>  # gluster peer probe
>  Probe successful
>  # gluster peer status
>  Number of Peers: 1
>  Hostname:
>  Uuid: 52e9f1a2-8404-4945-a769-4b569ec982ed
>  State: Accepted peer request (Connected)
> and then created and mounted a mirror volume:
>  # gluster volume create test replica 2 transport tcp 172.16.101.{9,11}:/store
>  Creation of volume test has been successful. Please start the volume to 
> access data.
>  # gluster volume start test
>  Starting volume test has been successful
>  # mount -t glusterfs localhost:/test /mnt/test
>  #
> Mounting it on both machines, I can see that a file I add on one appears on 
> the
> other and so on. Great! Write performance streaming to a large file is fine
> compared to a local write:
>  # time bash -c 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/test/bigfile bs=1M count=1000; sync'
>  1000+0 records in
>  1000+0 records out
>  1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 11.4892 s, 91.3 MB/s
>  real    0m11.531s
>  user    0m0.000s
>  sys     0m1.085s
> vs
>  # time bash -c 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/store2/bigfile bs=1M count=1000; sync'
>  1000+0 records in
>  1000+0 records out
>  1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 10.67 s, 98.3 MB/s
>  real    0m10.912s
>  user    0m0.000s
>  sys     0m1.753s
> However, if I try a simple metadata-intensive benchmark such as unpacking and
> deleting a linux kernel source tree, performance is a factor of eleven worse
> than local storage:
>  # time bash -c 'tar xfz ~/linux-3.3-rc7.tgz; rm -rf linux-3.3-rc7'
>  real    4m20.493s
>  user    0m24.835s
>  sys     0m7.119s
> vs
>  # time bash -c 'tar xfz ~/linux-3.3-rc7.tgz; rm -rf linux-3.3-rc7'
>  real    0m23.196s
>  user    0m20.775s
>  sys     0m2.287s
> Is this normal, or do I have something badly misconfigured? Is there anything 
> I
> can do to improve performance when creating and deleting small files on
> glusterfs? I see that I already have client-side write-behind in the default
> /etc/glusterd/vols/test/test-fuse.vol translator stack that was created for 
> me,
> and have tried playing with the parameters a bit without having any real
> effect.
> Best wishes,
> Chris.
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