Well.. to my surprise, I WAS able to boot from the CD. I started up the Ubunu install, but it got caught up at:
 ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP

If I did my googling right, that means it can't find a "Root System Description Pointer" for the "Advanced Configuration & Power Interface"... which I'm guessing this system is too old to know about. I found some reference to turning this off via a kernel parameter, but since I'm not yet installed, I can't figure out how to do that. Unless someone has a suggestion on how to get past this, I think I'll try DSL next.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Ricker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tech Writer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "GNHLUG User Group" <gnhlug-discuss@mail.gnhlug.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: Linux on old laptop in two stages

Ubuntu is a great desktop Linux distro, but I'd suspect it's not going
to perform nicely on an older laptop like that.  There's a new
"Xubuntu" derivative that is using Xfce windowing for older hardware,
will supposedly give you the best of both worlds -- light weight
distro with the Ubuntu elan and bug-fixes, but optimized for (and
packages selected for) Win95/Win98 era hardware. If and when I reclaim
an old Win98 box here, I'll try Xubuntu and "Damn Small Linux",
Vector, Puppy.

A review of other distros for old hardware was recently posted
and you can get more information on the individual distros at

The installation steps vary depending just HOW old your hardware is.
Most Gnu/Linux Distros install from a bootable CDrom. If you can set
the BIOS to boot from the CDrom, you can install straight from the CD.
(When booting, there's probably a message that flashes by early on
that says something about hit some F-key (possibly in combination) to
adjust/edit BIOS or CMOS or boot options. Just be sure the CD is
before the hard-drive in boot order. And follow instructions on how to
save before exiting setup. And don't change anything you don't need

If your old laptop can't boot from CDrom, you'll need either a
runs-from-DOS installer or a boot-CD mini-installer, same as for
Windows-98.  Some distros have one, some the other, some may not
support either.

Good luck,


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