On 10/18/06, Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Additionally, I discovered that DHCP is capable of serving this data
as well, which is good, though I haven't figured out how the client is
supposed to make use of the 32 bit int indicating the time-offset from
UTC :)

 As I recall, it's simply the number of seconds (plus or minus) to
shift from UTC.  I

Currently, the stock dhclient-script on debian systems does
nothing with the requested data ...

 I don't think I've ever seen anything actually use it.  :-)

Paul (who's hoping the y2k+7 issue is more quickly resolved :)

 It's easy for most computer systems, but what about (e.g.) a
photocopier or a phone system with fixed firmware that cannot be
updated?  Both are real examples from where I work.  Now I'm going to
have to manually change the time twice a year.

 The whole idea is retarded.  We should just get rid of DST entirely.
People have to follow any variety of schedules, and time continues to
pass at the same rate.  Dicking with the clocks twice a year doesn't
change that.  It does, however, mean One More Thing To Worry About.
And don't give me any bullshit about farmers.  Farmers get up when the
animals do, and always have.  It's been a political thing from day
one.  It's easier to dick with the clocks then it is to solve real

-- Ben
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