Note -  the change is for March 2007 NOT the imminent 2006 October change.
(I had a worried project manager at the office who wondered why we'd
waited so long, until I explained we had 5 months to schedule his

The Linux distributions and commercial OS vendors are rolling out
patches including the key timezone definition table update. (Of
course, the knowledgeable can follow instructions up-thread to update
the table directly.)

In addition to the OS, any Java JVM/JRE's need to be patched, since
Sun didn't trust the OS to tell it properly if it's time is UTC or
Local ... so it it has its own copy of the timezone routines and
master definition table. So Sun, IBM, et al are rolling out patches
for JVM's and J2EE Web-App-Servers (WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, ...).

I guess that means we'll need to update the JVMs in our browsers too.

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