>  The impression I got was that the impression the person doing the
>asking got was more actively hostile towards us Linux people.

The original people setting up NEARFEST made some initial noise about
how they wanted it to be more "HAM" and less computers, but this was
quelled by others in the forum that reminded them about packet radio,
etc. etc. so they toned down.  They do, however, want to keep our the
people selling dolls, handicrafts, etc.  I do not know how they feel
about "The Flashlight Guy"....

Another issue was about CRT monitors and having to register them, or pay
a (refundable) fee to bring them in.  This was because of the number of
boat anchors ("heavy metal") that were left to be hauled away, and the
cost of doing that.   LCD panels were fine, as they were both lighter
and more valuable, so people were not going to just leave them.
I do not know the status of this last bullet, since I have not been
there for a couple of NEARFESTs.

Finally, there was the increase in costs.  Since GNHLUG tends to have
more valuable "stuff" (and more easily damaged by rain, etc) than other
people "exhibiting", we ended up in the "commercial" buildings even
though we tended not to sell anything (we tried, but the "frugality" of
NEARFEST attendees often frustrated that effort).  The commercial
building at Hosstraders was $35. a "space."  The old "Hosstraders" was
kind of loose with this, and after Norm knew us we ended up paying only
$35. total for three 8-foot "spaces", and $13. each for the tables.  I
forget what the charges were for NEARFEST, but it was a lot more than
$35. for an 8-foot table "space", and the tables had also gone up in

We tried several times, both with the old Hosstraders and the new
NEARFEST to have a more formal presentation and training session, but
that never happened, sometimes due to us, and sometimes due to them, but
most time due to the normal "flesh is weak" syndrome.

If all you want is a table out on the lawn with a canopy (supplied by
you), then all you pay is the price of entry.  But the commercial space
was getting kind of pricey, and I felt that our money might be spent
better in other educational activities.

Warmest regards,

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.
WWW: http://www.li.org

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

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