On Thu, 2009-10-01 at 16:59 -0400, Alex Hewitt wrote:
> For the fun of it I set the router to obtain it's WAN address 
> dynamically and immediately the VPN tunnel connected. I checked the
> logs 
> but didn't see anything obviously wrong. I did notice that when the 
> router is setup to use a dynamic address, it has the correct date and 
> time. When it's set up with a static address the status page says
> "time 
> unavailable". I think this might be part of the problem. If the
> router 
> doesn't know the time (perhaps the clock can't be used?) then the VPN 
> connection might not work. I'm also puzzled as to what server it's 
> requesting date/time data from. It has the ability to manually set
> the 
> time zone but doesn't give any choices as to which ntp server to use.
> Does anyone have any ideas? So far Linksys support hasn't been very
> useful.

Name servers???  The DHCP server provides good name servers.  You have a
static name server setup that limps along at the client (blocked from
recursive queries??).

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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