Ben Scott wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Lloyd Kvam <> wrote:
>> I've seen DSL modems with 2 modes of behavior:
>>      * bridge mode ...
>>      * NAT/router ...
>> I don't know if the cable modems offer similar capabilities.
>   It's a bit different in cable-modem-land.  DSL is typically running
> some kind of PPP feed, so in bridge mode, you need to run your own
> PPPoE service.  Cable is presented more like a regular Ethernet
> broadcast medium.
>   Most cable modems I've seen act like bridges: You're on one big
> subnet with all your neighbors.  You can see their broadcast traffic.
> You request a DHCP lease, just like you do on a corporate LAN, and get
> it from a cable company DHCP server somewhere.  This is what I've seen
> Comcast provide in every residential install.
>   I have seen cable modems with integrated routers.  Conceptually,
> these are the same as other SOHO routers, except the "Internet" port
> is a coaxial F connector instead of an Ethernet jack.  They typically
> combine a NAT router, firewall, WAP, Ethernet switch, coffee maker,
> etc., just like the more general SOHO gateways do.
>   When we subscribed to Comcast's "business service" with a static IP
> address, they gave us something like the later.  It appears to be a
> halfheartedly[1] re-badged SMC8014.  Built-in four port Ethernet
> switch.  It was configured to do NAT, and assigned IP addresses via
> DHCP in the subnet.  But the static IP address is also
> configured on the Ethernet switch.  In other words, the LAN side of
> the integrated router has multiple IP addresses.
>   You can manage the LAN side by going to <>.
> Default username is "cusadmin"; default password is "highspeed".  I
> recommend changing the password.  :)
> [1] The front panel says "Comcast", but the top of the case still has
> a giant "SMC" molded into the plastic.
> -- Ben
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> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

I think you've got it pretty much spot on. I simply googled for the 
username/password, logged into the modem and then made my changes. It 
has a very simple interface. In my client's case the NAT translation was 
already turned off as well as any filtering. I just made sure the 
Linksys router could be DHCP served and then made sure a lease wouldn't 
expire and change the address. They let you set the pool size for the 
addresses so you could just as easily make a pool size of 1 to keep the 
client from getting a different address. I made the lease life "forever" 
to do the same thing. I'm still not sure how the Linksys router gets 
it's time/date data. I thought NTP was supposed to use one of the 
"official" time servers but that can't be right for this particular 
model router.

A couple of years ago I recall Netgear having their wrist slapped 
because they sold a bunch of routers that would poll some universitie's 
time server. When enough routers made it out to customers they 
overloaded the time server they were all pointing to. Netgear had to 
notify their customers to get upgraded firmware to fix the problem (at 
least that's what I remember of it ;^))


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