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On 8/16/06, Jon maddog Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Likewise while I understand your suggestion of a different name for the 
in order to protect both the name "GNHLUG" and "WEENIES", would cost close to
double the money, time and effort.

 I don't believe that would have to be true.  GNHLUG does not
currently have a Board of Directors or trademark enforcement or any of
that stuff, so those cost will be "new" regardless.  At the same time,
NHLW wouldn't be involved in actually doing any of the things done
under the banner of GNHLUG: User meetings, activism, etc.  So
duplication would be minimal to non-existent.

 I was also thinking it would be all the same organizers and planning
meetings and mailing lists and so on.  Just the notional hat would
read "NHLW" instead of "GNHLUG" when working on the legal stuff.
(They're notional hats, so we don't even have to buy two sets of hats.
;-)  )

 (In case it isn't sufficiently obvious, I use the name "NH Linux
Weenies" for discussion purposes only.  I use that name precisely
because it can't be mistaken for a real proposal.  Should this
actually come to pass, I'd expect we'd pick a cool-sounding name like
"NH Open Source Advocates" or "Granite State Software Freedom Society"
or something like that.  In the mean time, NHLW serves as a

How do you explain the differences between the two groups?

 NHLW = Legal stuff.  GNHLUG = Everything else.  EOF.

I prefer the route of ...

 I prefer that route, too.  But I'm also pragmatic.  My thinking is
that we might be better off going with a separate name for the legal
entity for pragmatic reasons.  We've been struggling with creating a
great plan for years.  OTOH, five of us could incorporate NHLW
tomorrow, and then worry about adapting NHLW to GNHLUG.

 Indeed, my thinking shares an argument with the argument for
incorporation in the first place: Expediency.  It takes time for the
wheels of government to turn.  Keeping all the cats, er, ducks lined
up while those wheels turn is difficult.  If we keep waiting, we may
end up being too late when we need it.  On the other hand, if we do
something *now*, we will have it ready, and then we can work on
aligning NHLW with GNHLUG.

 It would be my hope that eventually NHLW would become sufficiently
collimated with GNHLUG that NHLW ceases to even have a separate name,
and we just have GNHLUG.  But we'd be able to do that on our time,
rather then the state's.

Believe it or not, we spent a fair amount of time picking the name "GNHLUG"  It 
was the
"Greater" New Hampshire Linux User Group because we wanted to be embracing to
Northern Massachusetts and Western Maine.

 I thought it was because NH is greater than MA and ME.  ;-)

I am proud of the name, what it has done and what (hopefully) it will do.

 Me too!

 Let me state once more that I am absolutely, positively, in no way
what-so-ever suggesting the curtailment, diminishment, or restriction
of GNHLUG in any way, shape, or form.

You can keep the "other name" plan in your back pocket for right now, in case 
plan goes afoul, but I would prefer moving forward with the same name.

 Well, this has never been more then informed speculation on my part.
I obviously think there is some merit to the idea, but I am hardly
convinced it is the Best Way to go.

 If you feel we would loose something by not incorporating under the
name "GNHLUG", then I, for one, am willing to voluntarily bow to your

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

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