On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:34:12 -0400
"Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   In the past, Ed Lawson has also spoken on this subject.  As I
> recall, he also believed a 501(c)(6) "trade association" was our best
> bet.
Actually, I believe I said 501(c)(3). MD has raised the possibility
of501(c)(6) so he may have more complete info on why it would be
appropriate.  I do not know if GNHLUG could or could not obtain approval
as a 501(c)(6) organization. It is unclear to me how the members would
constitute a collection of entities or persons with a common business
interest the promotion of which is the main focus of GNHLUG. A feature
that is normally an important if not definitive characteristic of
501(c)(6) entities.  Note that "business" connotes a commercial
enterprise and 501(c)(6) entities are normally organizations with
businesses as members and which promote the business interests of it

FWIW, Wikipedia give a decent overview of 501(c).

Unless there is some reason to believe there will be lots of money
flowing through the coffers of GNHLUG, the whole exercise might be
academic anyway.  In other words what are the filing requirements and
what would the income tax obligations be under reasonable projections?

Perhaps a check with other similar organizations to see if the have
applied for 501(c) recognition and if so what entity was chosen and why
would be productive.

Ed Lawson

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