On 8/22/07, Bill Sconce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GNHLUG itself will presumably *not* write letters or try to persuade
> officials of anything.

  In the past, people have said that being a "real organization" would
allow us to have people go before law- and policy-makers and say,
"We're here representing the Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group.
We think you should...".  As such, it would help lend an air of
legitimacy to advocacy efforts.  A lot of people do let things like
titles influence their perceptions, so this isn't just hot air.

  Now, whether or not "we" "should" do the above is open to debate.
I'm not really sure where I stand on that question, myself.  But I
don't think we should assume that we definitely have no plans to
influence political decisions, because in the past, at least some of
"us" *did*.

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

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