On my home network, my printer is attached to my Windows 95 box.
I want to print to it from Linux as well.  I added the printer
with the printtool control panel, but it doesn't work: specifically,
when I lpr -m a job from Linux, it vanishes into the bit bucket and
I get a confirmation message -- but nothing actually comes out.
If I give the Linux printer definition a bogus share name (i.e.,
nothing like anything on the Windows box), I get identical

All the Samba printing docco I've found so far has been focussed
on things going the other way: Windows trying to print on a
Linux-served printer.  Would someone be so kind as to point me
at something that can help me get things to go the other direction?
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar                    <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Software Foundation  <http://www.apache.org/>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
"Apache Server Unleashed"   <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>

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