In a message dated: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 11:45:21 EDT
"Tom Buskey" said:

>You're setting up an internal chat room like I told you about?  Very 
>cool if you can get everyone to use it.  I'm not sure what we used at 


>If that's what you're doing, getting people to use it on a regular 
>basis is the key to success.  It's gotta become a 'water cooler' and 
>not just a place to ask questions.

Well, there are already 4 of us who use it pretty regularly, but the 
server we're using is a temporary one that's going away next week.

>If you have lots of windows users, maybe getting a server that does AIM 
>would be better.  Lots of people have AIM installed by default so it 
>might be easier to get them to use it.  They're also likely more 
>familiar with the client.  There are lots of Linux clients too.

We're 50/50, but those on windows have IRC clients already, so it 
shouldn't be problem.

>Jabber is another thought.

Setting that up too :)

>I *really* like epic on linux.  Character based & I have macros that 
>let you have multiple windows.  Xchat works too for people that don't 
>want to learn the keystrokes.  Gaim has a plugin for IRC as does 
>everybuddy and probably some others.

Cool.  I'm currently using bitchX, which is okay, but the docs are 
kinda lousy.  I'll give epic a try.

Thanks a lot!

        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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