Why? I am ashamed too. This is not a 'I Look at Goa through UV glasses'
forum. Here is a list du jour of  I Am Ashamed Items and I am Proud Items.
I am Ashamed of:
1) The mindless sheep who flocked to the Inox theater not to view a mere
Hollywood movie and then critique it but to stop it from being screened.
Maybe that way no one can ask them for their opinion and thus expose their
ignorance to the Bible, Christianity and Tom Hanks' hair.
2) The people who did nothing about protecting the safety of children of the
Nerul School so a boulder nearly crushed them.
3) The carnage on the streets - 3 bikes accidents today

I am proud of:
1) The stellar performance of Ralph Silva at the IIT entrance examinations
2) The young man who bagged the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
scholarship to study the environment.
3) The efforts of the people of the city of Vasco to Go Green.


Dear Lisa,

If you truly ashamed of being a Goan in that case please stay out of Goans
public forum.

Seja uma senhora boa



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