Well said Helga!


> Good job Cecil.Yes we now have the dubious honor of
> being one of the few
> regions in the world to ban the Da Vinci Code. I say
> few because I have
> excluded the Taliban, the Wahabi mullahs from Saudi
> Arabia but maybe I
> shouldn’t? What a fine moment for Churchill Alemao
> and his supporters! As
> Maria Aurora Couto pointed out we have arrived -
> straight into the Dark
> Ages and the rollicking times of the Inquisition. In
> the meantime Joel's
> Clippings report that a boulder came rolling into
> the Nerul School and this
> year English medium schools are to open without
> government grants. While
> the rest of the world lauds Indians for their
> emphasis on education which
> has been a huge factor in our economic growth, some
> of our Goan Catholic
> leaders have chosen zealotry as a means to get us on
> the map! So why did
> the print version of Da Vinci code not create the
> same furor that the movie
> has? Maybe because our leaders can't or won't read
> and neither will their
> 'disciples'?

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