2008/11/4 Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Marshall Mendonza wrote:
>> Santosh does not practice what he preaches. There is a word for this in
>> the English language. It is called HYPOCRISY.
> Mario responds:
> Marshall,
> Tsk, tsk, tsk.  I have no idea how you can tell from half a world away what
> Santosh practices, but I would be careful of such inflammatory invective if I 
> were you, especially with an email address from IndiaTimes.com.  Those who 
> have met the man think well of him, even if they disagree with some of what 
> he seems to believe, which contrasts sharply with what the same people think 
> of some other Goanetters they have met.

COMMENT: One Goanetter met you and he was not at all complimentry!!

Gabe Menezes.

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