Mario Goveia wrote:
> In a recent post that had nothing to do with animals on display, Mervyn 
> lowered himself,, was inspired, to write to me, "And please
> don't try and blame it on the smell from the zoo again. If anything, the 
> smell is coming from your pants being on fire."? I guess, from his own 
> experience, he must have been losing whatever argument was going on at 
> the time:-))
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 13:13:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Everyone cringed when?you wrote the following:
>> Mervyn himself was a third class citizen in Tanzania.
Mario responds:
No one cringed other than you.  They saw it as a joke with a grain of truth in 
Besides, it was you who were lecturing Marshall Mendonza to not lower himself 
to personal insults, which, as I showed, you engage in yourself.
Mervyn wrote:
Just like all your desperate attacks on Obama, you have not been able to come 
up with any justification for your attack on me. Everyone here can see the 
desperation. Everyone. 
Mario responds:
I have justified everything I have writtena.  You will have to pick something 
specific I wrote about Obama and then show that it was not true, rather than 
this typical hit and run generality that you seem to specialize in which makes 
sense only to you.
BTW, you don't get to speak for everyone, especially with your level of
veracity which wastes endless bandwidth to correct every day.
Mervyn wrote:
The world stock markets love him.
Mario responds:
Must be the stock market in your dreams, because the actual Dow Jones 
Industrial Average down today, Wednesday, November 5, the day after Obama was 
elected, by almost 5%.

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