On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Sylvain Le Gall <sylv...@le-gall.net> wrote:
> I was under the impression that setting different revision number for
> different map would be enough. It will extract the files at this
> revision... (Gerd could you confirm?)

The problem here is that you might need to maintain an older release
(bug fixes, etc.).  Not sure how you want to do that with different
revision numbers only.

> I think that trunkXXX is made for package that are really dependent on
> the version of OCaml (e.g. dependent on OCaml sources).

True, and isn't this often the case?  I think it's much more
transparent to simply "fork" the old package directory whenever a new
release of OCaml with new features is made.  I don't want to test new
releases with all compilers every time I want to upload them.  It's
just too easy to break old stuff by unknowingly using a new language
or standard library feature.

Maybe Gerd can weigh in on that.  He has surely thought more carefully
about the work flow and when trunks should be forked.  I personally
don't see any downside to my current approach, especially since most
people upgrade quickly and are almost never more than one major
release behind.


Markus Mottl        http://www.ocaml.info        markus.mo...@gmail.com
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